Papers from the SLaM-Lab got accepted to ICPhS 2023 in Prague, Czech Republic. Congratulations to all authors!
The papers are:
Accommodation to passive exposure in the L2 by Chris Geissler and Julika Weber
Rayyan Merchant awarded the Summer Undergraduate International Research Award from the University of Florida.
The UF Center for Undergraduate Research awarded Rayyan Merchant a $5000 award to conduct research abroad.
The SLaM Lab invites students to apply for two paid student assistant (“HiWi”) positions to work on the project “Choose Your Own Adventure: Teleporting to a Virtual Phonetics Laboratory”. This project, funded by the E-Learning Förderfonds at HHU, will be making educational materials to support teaching in phonetics.
The project “Choose Your Own Adventure: Teleporting to a Virtual Phonetics Laboratory” by Prof. Dr. Kevin Tang, Dr. Chris Geissler and Eoin O’Reilly will be funded by the E-Learning Förderfonds.
Prof. Dr. Kevin Tang was nominated for the Lehrpreis by SELL at HHU.
His tip for successful teaching
The teaching award of SELL at Heinrich-Heine-Universität With the teaching awards, HHU recognizes outstanding achievements in teaching.
Prof. Dr. Kevin Tang, Seyedeh Zahra Mirkhaef, Julia Henkel and Katja Biermann-Ruben presented a poster at Parkinson und Bewegungsstörungen - Highlights Digital 2023, Germany. Title of the poster: Language production in Parkinson’s Disease: Measuring Syntactic Complexity.
Prof. Dr. Kevin Tang and Eoin O’Reilly will give a tutorial at the DGfS 2023.
DGfS Tutorials: Computational Modelling for Linguists: Probing the mental lexicon with spoken corpora This tutorial will introduce participants to the field of corpus phonetics, allowing them to ask and answer non-trival research questions using a large amount of speech and lexical data.
Prof. Dr. Kevin Tang gave an invited talk at the Forschungskolloquium at the Institute of Linguistics in Cologne and at the SFB 1102: Language Science Colloquium Series at Saarland University.