The Speech, Lexicon, And Modeling lab

The Speech, Lexicon, And Modeling lab is dedicated to cutting-edge research at the intersection of speech production and perception (phonetics) with speaker’s knowledge of words (lexicon). We use a wide range of methods, including corpus analysis, computational modeling, and acoustic and articulatory phonetic experiments.

We are part of the English Language and Linguistics section of the Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. We are housed in building 23.21 on the HHU campus, and have a large additional laboratory space at 24.21.U1.022.




Alina Schünemann

Master’s Student


Anh Kim Nguyen

Master’s Student


Anna Sophia Stein

Master’s Student


Dalia Carvalho Rodrigues

Bachelor’s Student


Dr. Dana Serditova

Postdoctoral Researcher


Hamid Mojarad

Ph.D. Student


Hanxin Xia

Master’s Student


Jan Kels

Bachelor’s Student


Prof. Dr. Kevin Tang

University Professor


Thu Tra Nguyen

Master’s Student


Vittorio Ciccarelli

Master’s Student

The lab at HHU

The SLaM lab has a spacious phonetics laboratory at its disposal.

For more information and photos see here

Joining Our Lab

The SLaM Lab invites interested students to join our lab. This can take many forms, from paid employment as a research assistant (“HiWi”) to writing a major project such as a term paper, B.A. thesis, or M.A. thesis. If you would like to get involved, please submit a current C.V. and a short cover letter (maximum one page). Your letter should highlight any of the following:

  • relevant coursework and other experience (e.g. term papers, research experience) in phonetics, phonology, morphology, computational linguistics, computer science, or data science
  • skills and experience in data visualization, statistics, programming languages
  • language skills (especially English, Japanese, Korean, Tibetan)
  • interests in linguistics or computational linguistics
  • long-term interests (e.g. future career interests)

We welcome students of a variety of experience levels. The purpose of the SLaM lab is both to conduct research and, through research, to train students. We will match students with tasks appropriate to their skills, and support their training as needed.

Submit your CV and cover letter to kevin.tang [at] hhu [dot] de.